Thursday, 1 August 2013


At school there is a mini forest to play in at playtime. There are some really good trees to play in and climb in.Most of the trees are evergreen.In the mini forest there is a part that is mostly pine trees and there is a part that is lots of different types of trees. The school is lucky to have the forest.

By Alex


  1. Hi Alex.I like the sound of your forest playground. we have lots of trees at our school. Do you like your forest playground?

    Bye from Gina

  2. Hey Alex
    It sounds so cool we don't have a mini forest. Is it fun playing in the forest.
    From Stevie at waihola school room 2

    1. Hi Stevie
      Yes it is fun playing in the forest. Right now people are building huts in the mini forest with spare wood.
      Do you have any huts at your school?
      from Alex.

      Warrington School
